rowid,kind,name,category_id,member_id 28,member,"Bridge House Estates provides grant support to Trust for London of which I am a Trustee, nominated by the Corporation.",32767bc8,292 8,member,CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olowang has provided legal advice to the City of London Corporation and may do so again in the future.,32767bc8,396 1577,member,CONTRACT FOR REFURBISHMENT OF BUILDING IN GREAT ARTHUR HOUSE (CONTRACT DUE TO START JAN 2015 WITH CONTRACT VALUE OF £5.9M) - FORMER GROUP COMPANY WAS SOLD ON 30 APRIL 2017,32767bc8,1207 1688,member,Centre for London - Director (unpaid),32767bc8,136 168,member,Co-operation Ireland - Chairman of GB Executive,32767bc8,158 1689,member,Crossrail Art Foundation - Director (unpaid),32767bc8,136 1354,member,Deloitte LLP is being contracted by the City of London Police to conduct a business review,32767bc8,1943 1220,member,"Director and Trustee- Crossrail Arts Foundation (25 Canada Square, E14)",32767bc8,385 454,member,Historystore Ltd has a contract for the provision of antique documents and reproduction menus[,32767bc8,401 129,member,"King Edward's School, Witley - Treasury and Cash Management with City of London Corporation",32767bc8,1419 772,member,Lease from City of London Corporation dated 27.10.16 (further details contained under Corporate Tenancies),32767bc8,256 470,member,"Lease of Offices at Chronicle House, 72-74 Fleet Street, London EC4 to International Dispute Resolution Centre Limited",32767bc8,397 559,member,London Councils (unpaid),32767bc8,373 1690,member,London Councils Pensions Collective Investment Vehicle Joint Committee (unpaid),32767bc8,136 557,member,London and Partners (unpaid),32767bc8,373 555,member,"Long Lease of Barbican Flat, EC2",32767bc8,373 556,partner,"Long Lease of Barbican Flat, EC2",32767bc8,373 619,member,Service Charges in respect of property at EC2,32767bc8,133 620,partner,Service Charges in respect of property at EC2,32767bc8,133 558,member,TheCityUK (unpaid),32767bc8,373