rowid,kind,name,category_id,member_id 164,member,EC Financial Associates - Management Consultancy,e938d3aa,158 165,partner,"Honorary Ward Clerk, City of London Corporation, EC2P 2EJ",e938d3aa,158 166,member,Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (retired),e938d3aa,158 167,member,Chartered Institute of Public Finance Accountants (retired),e938d3aa,158 168,member,Co-operation Ireland - Chairman of GB Executive,32767bc8,158 169,member,Tower Ward Club,e9002d25,158 170,partner,Tower Ward Club,e9002d25,158 171,member,Freemason,e9002d25,158 172,member,Liveryman Worshipful Company of Bowyers,e9002d25,158 173,member,Liveryman Worshipful Company of World Traders,e9002d25,158 174,member,Member of the Guild Church of St Lawrence Jewry,e9002d25,158 175,member,Trustee of The Honourable The Irish Society,e9002d25,158 176,member,Honorary Treasurer of the Guild Church of St Lawrence Jewry,e9002d25,158 177,member,Chairman of Governors - City of London Freemen's School,e9002d25,158