rowid,kind,name,category_id,member_id 1342,member,"CEO, MS Amlin Underwriting Limited, 122 Leadenhall Street, London. EC3V 4AG and Director of various other MS Amlin Group companies",e938d3aa,1955 1343,member,None other than through investment portfolios (managed on a discretionary basis by Coutts and Ruffer) which may comprise property companies etc.,d9df90d8,1955 1344,member,None other than through the Mercers Company or investment portfolios managed on a discretionary basis.,8948e857,1955 1345,member,None other than via investment portfolios managed on a discretionary basis.,4bd97394,1955 1346,member,"Governor of Bute House Primary School, Hammersmith",e9002d25,1955 1347,member,Life Member of the National Trust,e9002d25,1955 1348,member,Liveryman - Mercers Company,e9002d25,1955 1349,member,Director - Lloyd's Market Association (Professional and Trade Association),e9002d25,1955 1350,member,"Board Member, Lloyd's Market Association",e9002d25,1955 1351,member,"Board Member, Lloyd's Community Board",e9002d25,1955