rowid,committee_id,committee_id_label,member_id,member_id_label,role 632,1273,Remuneration and Nominations Committee of the Board of Governors of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama,1221,Graham Packham, 626,413,Keats House Consultative Committee,1221,Graham Packham, 631,410,Reference Sub Committee of the Board of Governors of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama,1221,Graham Packham, 630,395,Policy and Resources Committee,1221,Graham Packham, 628,392,Local Plans Sub (Planning and Transportation) Committee,1221,Graham Packham, 633,389,Streets and Walkways Sub (Planning and Transportation) Committee,1221,Graham Packham, 621,387,Board of Governors of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama,1221,Graham Packham, 620,230,Board of Governors of the City of London Freemen's School,1221,Graham Packham, 619,227,"Benefices Sub (Culture, Heritage & Libraries) Committee",1221,Graham Packham, 622,223,,1221,Graham Packham, 625,218,Governance and Effectiveness Committee of the Board of Governors of the Guildhall School of Music & Drama,1221,Graham Packham, 623,177,"Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee",1221,Graham Packham, 624,163,Finance and Resources Committee of the Board of Governors of the Guildhall School of Music & Drama,1221,Graham Packham, 618,153,Barbican Residential Committee,1221,Graham Packham, 629,143,Planning and Transportation Committee,1221,Graham Packham, 617,140,Barbican Centre Board,1221,Graham Packham, 627,123,Licensing Committee,1221,Graham Packham,