{"rowid": 2, "kind": "partner", "name": "Investments in professionally managed funds and venture capital trusts which may have a connection with the City", "category_id": {"value": "4bd97394", "label": "Securities"}, "member_id": {"value": 1659, "label": "Graeme Harrower"}} {"rowid": 289, "kind": "partner", "name": "Pension with Aviva.", "category_id": {"value": "4bd97394", "label": "Securities"}, "member_id": {"value": 1947, "label": "Caroline Kordai Addy"}} {"rowid": 842, "kind": "partner", "name": "Various investments, unit trust holdings and ETFs in my ISAs and general investment account which may exceed \u00a325,000 each and may invest in institutions based in the City. These investments are professionally managed on my behalf. Also has a SIPP.", "category_id": {"value": "4bd97394", "label": "Securities"}, "member_id": {"value": 1957, "label": "Mary Durcan"}} {"rowid": 63, "kind": "partner", "name": "Owns shares in Clipstone Reit PLC (which owns various distribution warehouses outside London but which could be land owned by the City of London Corporation)", "category_id": {"value": "4bd97394", "label": "Securities"}, "member_id": {"value": 2034, "label": "Nicholas Stephen Leland Lyons"}}