{"rowid": 838, "kind": "partner", "name": "48 Andrewes House, London EC2Y 8AX (leaseholder)", "category_id": {"value": "d9df90d8", "label": "Land"}, "member_id": {"value": 1957, "label": "Mary Durcan"}} {"rowid": 840, "kind": "partner", "name": "Own car parking space in Andrewes House", "category_id": {"value": "613aec30", "label": "Licences"}, "member_id": {"value": 1957, "label": "Mary Durcan"}} {"rowid": 842, "kind": "partner", "name": "Various investments, unit trust holdings and ETFs in my ISAs and general investment account which may exceed \u00a325,000 each and may invest in institutions based in the City. These investments are professionally managed on my behalf. Also has a SIPP.", "category_id": {"value": "4bd97394", "label": "Securities"}, "member_id": {"value": 1957, "label": "Mary Durcan"}}